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Version: v1

Getting started

The term for automatically testing, building, and deploying your project is Continuous Integration, or CI for short.

The configuration for CI, we commonly call a CI-workflow.

To get started creating your workflow, you need 3 things:

  • A Unity project
  • A Git host (GitHub, GitLab, your private server, etc.)
  • A CI system (GitHub Actions, GitLab pipelines, CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins, etc.)

Preparing the project

Create a repository on your chosen Git host and follow their instructions to commit and push your project.

Be sure to ignore any automatically generated files, by adding the reference .gitignore file to the root of your project.

To ensure large files are handled correctly (in LFS), you can add our reference .gitattributes file to the root of your project.

You are now ready to create a workflow! Choose the CI system you chose in the menu on the left.