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Version: v4 (current)


The orb uses a Unity Editor instance to test and build your projects. These operations require the instance to be activated before each job you run.

Unity separates its licenses between Personal and Professional. The former applies to the free and the latter to the Pro and Plus versions. Based on your use case proceed to the Personal or Professional license section.

Personal license

Follow these steps if you are using Unity's free version.

Note: Do NOT follow the steps for the personal license if you have a professional license.

Mental model

  1. Use the Unity Orb to create an activation file.
  2. Use the activation file to acquire a license file from the Unity website.
  3. Encode the license file and save it in a CircleCI Context.

Acquiring an activation file

Add the workflow below to a project set up in CircleCI. As long as you can access it in the CircleCI web app and download its artifacts, it can be any project.

version: 2.1

unity: game-ci/[email protected]

- unity/create-activation-file

If you require an activation file for a specific version of the Unity Editor, you need to provide its version number as an argument. The available versions can be found on our versions page.

version: 2.1

unity: game-ci/[email protected]

- unity/create-activation-file:
editor_version: 2022.1.11f1

Commit and push the new workflow and navigate to your project in the CircleCI web app. Identify the pipeline triggered by your changes and open the unity/create-activation-file job. In the ARTIFACTS tab, you will encounter Unity.alf; this is your activation file. Download it and proceed to the following sub-section.

Acquiring the license file

  1. Navigate to the manual activation page and upload the Unity.alf activation file.
  2. Answer the prompted questions.
  3. Download the license file (Unity_v20XX.x.ulf).

Note: It is fine if the version number in the file name does not match your exact Unity version.

Encoding the license

Encode the contents of your Unity_v20XX.x.ulf file to base64. If you have the base64 command line utility you can use:

cat Unity_v20XX.x.ulf | base64 -w 0

Configuring your Context

  1. Navigate to CircleCIOrganization SettingsContextsCreate Context and choose a name for your context (e.g. myProjectContext). Alternatively, open an existing Context that you would like to use.
  2. Create the following environment variables:
    • UNITY_ENCODED_LICENSE - (Paste the content from the Encoding the License section here)
    • UNITY_USERNAME - (Add the email address that you use to log in to Unity)
    • UNITY_PASSWORD - (Add the password that you use to log in to Unity)
  3. Remove or disable the job you included to acquire your activation file. It's no longer necessary.

Note: When changing the Unity version, you may need to repeat the same process.

Professional license

Follow these steps if you are using Unity's Pro or Plus version.

Note: Do NOT follow the steps for the professional license if you have a personal license.

  1. Get your Serial Key from the subscriptions page.
  2. Navigate to CircleCIOrganization SettingsContextsCreate Context and choose a name for your context (e.g. myProjectContext). Alternatively, open an existing Context that you would like to use.
  3. Create the following environment variables:
    • UNITY_SERIAL - (Paste the serial acquired in step 1 here. It should look like this: XX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
    • UNITY_USERNAME - (Add the email address that you use to log in to Unity)
    • UNITY_PASSWORD - (Add the password that you use to log in to Unity)

Next steps

Now you are prepared to start testing and building your Unity project. However, remember to reference your context in every job you run; otherwise, they will fail:

version: 2.1

unity: game-ci/[email protected]

- unity/test:
context: unity
- unity/build:
context: unity