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Version: v4 (current)

Github Actions

The Github actions runner application supports many different installation and configuration options. This guide covers on a basic setup that creates a single runner instance. Both manual and automated setup instructions are provided, skip to the bottom of the page for the automation script.

For more in-depth guidance please refer to the official documentation:

Manual Setup

  1. Log in to Github and navigate to the repo you would like to set up a runner for and from the top menu of the repo's page, select the settings tab

  1. From them menu on the left, expand the Actions menu then select the Runners option

  1. Click the New self-hosted runner button to bring up the runner installation instructions.

  1. Select the Linux runner option, then follow the on-screen instructions to download, install, and configure the runner application.

  1. Update your workflow file to use your self hosted runner by setting the runs-on valueto self-hosted as shown in the example below.

    name: learn-github-actions
    on: [push]
    runs-on: self-hosted
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
    node-version: '14'
    - run: npm install -g bats
    - run: bats -v

Automated Setup

The following script will perform the same actions as described above automatically. This is usefull for those who would prefer ephemeral runners or to use a declarative workflow. You will need to provide your own access-token to the script as an input value.

  1. Copy and paste the following int your terminal to create the script

    /usr/bin/cat << 'EOF' >

    # url for github api endpoint

    # Username or Org name

    # Name of the repository to create a runner for

    # Access token

    # Runner platform

    # Get a authorized token for your repo/org
    export RUNNER_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST ${base_api_url}/repos/${owner}/${repo}/actions/runners/registration-token -H "accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json" -H "authorization: token ${token}" | jq -r '.token')

    # Find the latest version of the runner software
    latest_version_label=$(curl -s -X GET '' | jq -r '.tag_name')
    latest_version=$(echo ${latest_version_label:1})

    # Assemble the string-value for the runner application archive

    # Assemble the download URL

    # Download and extract the archive
    wget -O ${runner_file} ${runner_url}
    tar xzf "./${runner_file}"

    # Install and configure the application without prompting for user-input
    ./ --url${owner}/${repo} --token ${RUNNER_TOKEN} --unattended

    ./ install
    sudo ./ start
    sudo ./ status
  2. Run the script as follows:

    bash ./ <github-username> <repo-name> <access-token>